Wednesday, March 7, 2012

But I thought that was it

I was sure last night was it. Having never gone into labor before I am not 100% sure of what it feels like but buoyed by my results yesterday (1 cm dilated, 50% effaced)  I guess I was mentally prepared for things to start. Also there are other very encouraging signs which I don't want to post on my blog but yes, Sea Legs Girl, it's what you asked me about. Why I can talk about the state of my reproductive organs but not these other things is a mystery to me but I guess squeamish is in the eye of the beholder. I packed my overnight bag before going to bed (only 5 days after my due date... I guess I know where this baby gets its lateness from) and then lay awake most of the night having menstrual-like cramps and uterine contractions every 15-30 minutes. They weren't super painful, just painful enough to make me think things were happening. Now this morning, nothing.

I know pre-labor can last hours to days... is that's what's going on here? How far away am I?


  1. haha, I too never packed a bag until almost 1 week past my due date despite being in labor and at the hospital near csection once prior. So yes I too know why my baby showed up late! Good luck, I hope this truy is it (and soon) :-)

  2. Alas I have no idea at all on your questions....but I hope you get the answers really soon - good luck!

  3. I have no idea but I hope it means things are moving along for you!

  4. Oh no. This is sounding familiar. Except for that THING happening but maybe that doesn't mean the real thing is happening ... but very soon! I'll guess today or tomorrow

  5. I would guess that real labor will start in less than a week. I had a couple of significant false starts at 2 and 3 days before it actually started. Strangely, the day before it started I had the fewest number of contractions all week, which made me very discouraged. So it sounds like you're close!

  6. Labor for baby #2 started that way for me, pretty good contractions in the morning, called into work IN LABOR!, contractions stoppped, got disgusted and went to work anyway. Picked up again around dinnertime, raging by midnight, baby by sunrise.

    The best part of it was going to work and having people ask "When is that baby coming?". I got to tell them, "Actually, I'm in early labor right now!" (If you ever want to clear out an elevator, try that line!!)
