Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Training Camp in Oregon

Just back from a week long spring training camp in C.oo.s B.ay, Or.e.gon. Distance aficionadoes will understand the significance of doing a distance training camp in that particular town. In fact, there was no training camp per sey, I brought La Cocotte to visit some family who happen to live there. I used the warmer, wetter weather as an opportunity to jump start my training. I got a decent week of running in:

Thursday- 15 hour endurance event - 3 flights with a 19 month old toddler. Let me tell you, even flying with the world's most angelic toddler (a.k.a. La Cocotte) was very wearing after 15 hours.

Friday- first work-out in ages, also first time doing a work-out with the baby jogger (and of course La Cocotte inside it).
6.2 km warm-up
2 X 2 km: 8:00, 8:01 (400 m easy jog btwn)
2 X 1.6 km 6:05, 6:28
4.2 km cool-down - 19.6 km total

Saturday- 18 km in 1 hour 25 minutes with La Cocotte

Sunday- sans training partner. 6 km warm-up. 6 X 1 km: 3:41, 3:48, 3:41, 3:48, 3:41, 3:48 (one direction was into the wind)
4.1 km cool-down. 18 km total.

Monday - 16.4 km in 1 hour 24 minutes with La Cocotte

Tuesday - sans training partner. 6.6 km warm-up. 5 X 1 mile: 5:55, 6:03, 6:41 (uphill, into the wind), 6:07, 5:54
3 km cool-down 17.7 km total

Wednesday -  11 hour endurance event, 3 flights with toddler - this time the prevailing westerlies were in our favour

Thursday - on 5 hours sleep and severely jet-lagged. am: 7.5 km. pm: 13 km. all with la Cocotte.

It appears I have established some kind of momentum which is great with spring road race season right around the corner. Time to think about what my non-reproductive goals look like for this year.


One of these mammals outweighs the other by 3 pounds. Guesses?

My training partner and I focusing before our run.

Toddler says "up!"


  1. Don't you ever just want La Cocotte and The Lorax to meet so they can trade stories of being briskly run through the streets in their baby joggers? The only problem is The Lorax is usually yelling at me to go faster, where as I imagine your speed is more than adequte for La Cocotte. I mean, geez, you run quickly with her.

    Sounds like an awesome week. It is hard not to love Oregon. I have to relatives there, too. We'll have to take a group trip sometime. Mine aren't in Coos Bay, though, and I have no idea why you have al.l of th.ose per.iods in there, but it has a nice effect.

  2. Too bad your relative hates cats so much.

  3. If you did those 1k repeats with the baby-jogger and La Cocotte in it, then maybe we would be at roughly the same speed. Great for you, sucks for me...

  4. All those kitties above the door are freaking me out...
