Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Autumn in Images

Yes, an apple was harmed in taking this picture (harmed and stolen in fact!).
The owners of this produce stand were very, very patient.
Tired mom after 5 km, energetic toddler.
Our toddler's obsession with brooms made our choice of hallowe'en costumes very obvious.
Though of course on the actual night we had to canadianize (i.e. accessorize in canadian fashion) the costume with winter hat, polar fleece etc.


  1. Cool pictures. La Petite is sooo cute. And now I know what you look like.

  2. Poor La Cocotte. She looks so hungry in the first picture - don't you guys feed her? Ha ha ha.

    "Canadianize" is a verb I'd definitely like to try some day.

  3. I'm laughing at something completely unintended (as usual) - in Canada, an ATM is apparently an ABM. (Banque Machine Automatique, I expect in Montreal).

    You're going to have to keep posting photos, as La Cocotte is growing like a weed!

  4. There's still some talk about a 6 day race in Montreal in August (Run the Moose) - might see you yet next year.
